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Édition d'écriture. Pour la même raison, il ya une foule de candidats dans chaque 3 oct. 2012 - Un marché souterrain dans les essais académiques est florissante sur le Il n'est pas simple que les fournisseurs ont clairement violé une loi, mais il est Nous garantissons Yourplete Confidentialité, En ligne france. Les animaux en cages essai service national discursive pourquoi la marijuana ne devrait pas être légalisée concours de rédaction Exemples sont tirés de la Acheter Cheap Coursework Basehor Linwood High School ressource décrit le papier de recherche de boire conduite À son tour devoirs en ligne Autres articles Que faire quand votre iPhone Won t Turn On Que faire quand votre iPhone ne tournera pas Par Sam Costello. L'expert iPhoneiPod Sam Costello a écrit sur la technologie depuis 2000. Il a publié des articles avec CNN, PC World, InfoWorld et Computerworld, entre autres. Pour ces revues et sites Web, il a couvert le droit d'auteur numérique, la montée et la chute de Napster, les dispositifs mobiles, et la sécurité informatique et réseau. Il a écrit sur les PDA, les moniteurs et les imprimantes pour les sites Web consommateurs de Samsung, et sur les applications, les médias en streaming et les livres électroniques pour le site Web de Que Publishing. Auteur des livres: Mis à jour le 08 février 2016. Lorsque votre iPhone won39t allumer, vous pouvez être inquiet que you39re va avoir besoin d'acheter un nouveau. Cela pourrait être vrai si le problème est assez mauvais, mais il ya beaucoup de façons dont vous pouvez essayer de réparer votre iPhone avant de décider qu'il est mort. Si votre iPhone won39t allumer, essayez ces six conseils pour le ramener à la vie. 1. Chargez votre téléphone Cela sonne comme une suggestion stupide, mais vous devez être sûr que votre batterie iPhone39s est suffisamment chargé pour exécuter le téléphone. Continuez à lire ci-dessous Pour tester cela, branchez votre iPhone dans un chargeur mural ou dans votre ordinateur. Laissez-le charger pendant 15-30 minutes. Il peut s'allumer automatiquement. Vous devrez peut-être aussi appuyer sur le bouton d'activation pour l'activer. Si vous pensez que votre téléphone a manqué de batterie mais que la recharge ne fonctionne pas, il est possible que votre chargeur ou câble soit défectueux. Essayez d'utiliser un autre câble pour vérifier. Si le chargement de la batterie n'a pas allumer votre iPhone, la prochaine chose que vous devriez essayer est de redémarrer le téléphone. Pour ce faire, maintenez enfoncé le bouton Hold en haut à droite ou sur le bord du téléphone pendant quelques secondes. Si le téléphone est éteint, il doit s'allumer. Si elle est allumée, vous pouvez voir le curseur offrant de l'éteindre. S'il était éteint, laissez-le démarrer. Si elle était allumée, le redémarrer en l'éteignant puis en le rallumant est probablement une bonne idée. 3. Hard Réinitialiser l'iPhone Essayez une réinitialisation matérielle si le redémarrage standard didn39t faire l'affaire. Une réinitialisation matérielle est comme un redémarrage qui efface plus de la mémoire du périphérique (pas son stockage vous won39t perdre des données) pour une remise à zéro plus complète. Pour effectuer une réinitialisation matérielle: Maintenez enfoncée la touche d'arrêt et le bouton d'accueil en même temps. Continuez de lire ci-dessous Continuez à les maintenir pendant au moins 10 secondes (rien de mal à tenir pendant 20 ou 30 secondes, mais si rien n'est arrivé à ce moment, Si le curseur d'arrêt s'affiche à l'écran, maintenez les boutons enfoncés. Lorsque le logo argenté d'Apple apparaît, relâchez les boutons et laissez le téléphone démarrer. 4. Restaurer l'iPhone aux paramètres d'usine Parfois, votre meilleur pari est de restaurer votre iPhone à ses paramètres d'usine. Cela efface toutes les données et les paramètres de votre téléphone (nous l'espérons, vous l'avez synchronisé récemment et sauvegardé vos données), et peut résoudre un grand nombre de problèmes. Normalement, vous devez synchroniser votre iPhone et restaurer avec iTunes, mais si votre iPhone ne s'allume pas, essayez ceci: Branchez le câble USB de l'iPhone 39 dans le port LightningDock Connector, mais pas dans votre ordinateur. Maintenez enfoncé le bouton Home de l'iPhone. Branchez l'autre extrémité du câble USB dans votre ordinateur Cela ouvrira iTunes, mettez l'iPhone en mode de récupération et vous permet de restaurer complètement l'iPhone. 5. Mettez l'iPhone en mode DFU Dans certaines situations, votre iPhone ne s'allume pas car il ne démarre pas. Cela peut se produire après jailbreaking ou lorsque vous essayez d'installer une mise à jour iOS sans suffisamment de durée de vie de la batterie. Si vous êtes confronté à ce problème, mettez votre téléphone en mode DFU de cette façon: Branchez votre iPhone dans votre ordinateur Maintenez enfoncé le bouton d'onoff pendant 3 secondes, puis laissez-le aller Maintenez enfoncée la touche Onoff et le bouton Home pendant environ 10 secondes Relâchez le onoff , Mais maintenez le bouton Home enfoncé pendant environ 5 secondes. Si l'écran reste noir et que rien ne s'affiche, vous êtes en mode DFU. Suivez les instructions à l'écran dans iTunes. 6. Réinitialiser capteur de proximité Une autre situation rare qui provoque votre iPhone ne pas s'allumer est un dysfonctionnement dans le capteur de proximité qui obscurcit l'écran de l'iPhone39 lorsque vous le tenez jusqu'à votre visage. Cela provoque l'écran pour rester sombre même lorsque le téléphone est allumé et pas près de votre visage. Maintenez les boutons Accueil et Onon enfoncés pour redémarrer le téléphone Lorsqu'il redémarre, l'écran devrait fonctionner Touchez l'application Paramètres Appuyez sur Général Appuyez sur Réinitialiser Appuyez sur Réinitialiser tous les paramètres. Cela efface toutes vos préférences et paramètres sur l'iPhone, mais ne supprime pas vos données. Si votre iPhone Still Won39t Allumer Si votre iPhone won39t allumer après toutes ces étapes, le problème est trop grave pour résoudre sur votre propre. Vous devez contacter Apple pour prendre rendez-vous au Genius Bar. Dans ce rendez-vous, le génie va soit corriger votre problème ou vous faire savoir ce qu'il coûte à réparer. Vous devriez vérifier l'état de votre iPhone39s garantie avant de partir, car cela peut vous faire économiser de l'argent sur les réparations. 7 Corrections pour la bataille de devoirs Comme beaucoup de parents, Shannin T. fait l'expérience de combats quotidiens sur les devoirs. Je ne peux pas obtenir mon enfant de 8 ans pour faire ses devoirs sans un combat majeur, et je veux dire majeur, se lamente ce membre frustré du Cercle des Mères. Les enfants détestent les devoirs et essayeront n'importe quoi pour en sortir. Le temps de devoirs peut se transformer en un match criant avec des menaces et des commentaires désagréables étant jeté en avant et en arrière. Mots comme paresseux. Ralentir Non focalisé. Et procrastinator peut glisser d'une bouche des parents, tout au nom d'essayer de motiver un enfant à faire ses devoirs Déverrouiller le chant I Cant Do It Oui, vous pouvez y aller dès maintenant. Les parents pensent dire que c'est le mélange parfait de soutien et l'amour-propre bâtiment, saupoudré d'une pointe de motivation. Mais dire que c'est rarement assez pour obtenir des devoirs fait sans une bataille. Pour déverrouiller le chant I cant, regardez les indices que le comportement de votre enfant envoie. Est-ce qu'il prend l'approche rapide pour obtenir des devoirs fait Est-elle agiter ou de procrastinat Ou est-il rêveur et espacées Une fois que vous voyez ce qui est derrière son incapacité à se concentrer, vous pouvez commencer à offrir certaines des options de cet article pour voir ce qui déverrouille le je cant chant. Voici sept nouvelles façons d'aider les enfants à se concentrer et à faire leurs devoirs. 1. Commencez par une alimentation Snack le cerveau est une chose intelligente à faire. Protéines avec un peu de glucides fera des merveilles pour revigorer un enfant après une longue journée à l'école. 2. Obtenir de grands mouvements musculaires Le jour de l'école est rempli de séance, l'écoute et les règles suivantes. Quand les enfants rentrent chez eux, ils veulent et ont besoin de déplacer leurs gros muscles. Instaurer une nouvelle règle: les 30 premières minutes après la collation doit être passé à faire de l'exercice aérobie. Pas de vidéo ou de jeux d'ordinateur. Exercice tonifie le cerveau, crée la capacité de se concentrer, libère les sentiments inquiets, et déplace un enfant d'un état de rêve à un état plus ciblé. 3. Changer les lieux de travail L'experte en éducation Ann Dolin affirme que de nouvelles recherches ont montré que changer les lieux de travail peut avoir un effet stimulant sur un enfant. Au lieu de toujours faire asseoir un enfant au même bureau dans la même pièce, le changer et voir ce qui se passe. Passez une semaine pour permettre à votre enfant de faire ses devoirs dans une autre pièce, puis à la table de la cuisine, puis sur le sol avec un bureau de recouvrement, ou le laisser se tenir à un bureau ou une table pendant qu'il travaille. Voyez ce qui finit par produire plus de productivité. 4. Aidez votre enfant à rester assis et à se concentrer Certains enfants ont envie de mouvement. Mon fils a déménagé pendant qu'il faisait tout. Il avait des problèmes sensoriels. Non, il était un apprenti physique et tactile. Il avait besoin de bouger et de toucher les choses pour se concentrer. Pour aider un enfant à se concentrer, donnez-lui un moyen de gérer son besoin d'apport sensoriel en lui donnant un ensemble de perles d'inquiétude, Bucky Balls ou un rouleau de massage. Cela lui permet de presser ou de rouler un objet dans sa main, ce qui transforme le cerveau de craving stimulation sensorielle à être capable de se concentrer. 5. Le temps des devoirs de segmentation Les devoirs peuvent sembler une corvée sans fin, ennuyeuse. Pour aider un enfant à se concentrer sur la tâche à accomplir, divisez le temps des devoirs en segments. Utilisez une minuterie réglée pendant dix minutes. Dites à votre enfant qu'il doit rester concentré pour les dix prochaines minutes et faire autant qu'il peut. Quand le minuteur s'éteint, il décide s'il veut continuer à travailler ou faire une pause. S'il veut une pause de cinq minutes l'envoyer à utiliser ses gros muscles. Il peut courir autour de l'allée cinq fois ou jouer au basket-ball et quand le minuteur disparaît, il doit venir et terminer ses devoirs. 6. Éliminer la distraction des frères et sœurs Certains enfants créent des problèmes pendant le temps des devoirs parce qu'ils peuvent entendre leurs frères et sœurs jouer. Pour éviter cela, créez un temps de silence. Tout le monde dans la maison doit faire des activités tranquilles afin que personne ne dérange personne faire ses devoirs. 7. Que dire quand votre enfant ne collabore pas Si le manque de coopération se glisse de nouveau dans la routine de devoirs, demandez à votre enfant ceci: Quelle manière aimez-vous faire des devoirs où vous avez des choix et pas de crier, ou l'ancienne façon Si vous aimez La nouvelle façon, alors vous avez besoin de coopérer ou youll être me montrer youre trop jeune pour faire les choses de cette façon et bien devoir vous laisser grandir un peu avant de nous essayer à nouveau. Image Source: iStock Photo Les vues exprimées dans cet article sont celles de l'auteur et ne représentent pas nécessairement les vues de POPSUGAR et ne doivent pas être attribuées à celles-ci. Lol Grandir un peu avant d'essayer à nouveau. Ha Mon fils dirait - yeah maman, peut-être j'ai besoin de grandir un peu avant de faire mes devoirs, donc vous le faites juste pour moi okay. Sérieusement Nous faisons une collation et un verre avant de commencer avec les devoirs. Mais je trouve que si je laisse mon fils faire quelque chose avant les devoirs, c'est comme si j'essayais de le recentrer - je le trouve plus facile à faire une collation - et ensuite directement aux devoirs. Peut-être faire quelque chose AVEC lui peut-être Ill essayer que comme saut corde ou assis ups ou push ups, mais jusqu'à présent je trouve si je reste calme et ne correspondent pas à son humeur nous faire faire des choses - sinon, il se transforme en un match crier où rien ne se fait Et nous sommes tous deux énervés. Si je garde la main droite en étant calme et même des choses stupides se faire rapidement et ont été amusant et il garde même quelques-uns des 411. imaginez que. Je souhaite que cela avait des idées pour rester calme quand il isnt dans l'ambiance. Écrit négligemment à l'endroit où vous ne pouvez même pas le lire ou ne veut pas lire pendant 15 min. à voix haute. Isnt se sentir bien ou hes too tierd. Ou quelle que soit l'excuse est aujourd'hui. Ou mieux encore quelques retours vraiment intelligents à ces excuses à venir nouvelles et interminables tous les jours. Comment faire pour éviter de soulever un frère de l'ombre par HuffPost Parents Il ya 2 semaines 200 Les choses que vous devez faire avant l'été Fini par HuffPost Parents Il ya 2 semaines Comment faire pour laisser votre enfant comme ils Head Off au collège par HuffPost Parents Il ya 1 heure Comment enseigner à un enfant d'être reconnaissant par Sharon Silver 122515 Vous Coddle vos enfants Too Much par Mary Beth Sammons 124 Le temps le plus intelligent pour les devoirs par Barbara Rockwell 20614 7 Conseils pour les conférences des parents et des enseignants par les enseignants par Rebecca Gruber Il ya 1 semaine : Non, mon jardin d 'enfants ne fera pas cette tâche - Le Parent de Washington Post: Non, mon jardin d' enfants n'a pas fait ce devoir de devoirs La maternelle, comme on le sait, n'est plus ce qu'elle était. Ive a publié un certain nombre de postes sur à quel point académique il est devenu, avec les enfants ont demandé de s'asseoir dans leurs sièges et faire des travaux universitaires souvent avec peu ou pas de récréation ou d'éducation physique, et avec des charges de travail qui étaient dans les grades ultérieures. Cela inclut les devoirs quotidiens, ce que les chercheurs disent n'a aucune valeur à l'école élémentaire (autre que de lire). Dans ce post, un parent explique pourquoi elle ne veut pas son kindergartner le faire. Elle est Cara Paiuk, un rédacteur pigiste dont les articles ont paru dans le Washington Post. le New York Times . Et d'autres publications. Elle est aussi un entrepreneur, photographe, et la mère d'une bande de rousseurs. Vous pouvez la suivre sur Twitter carapaiuk. Cela est apparu sur Role Reboot. Et je le publie avec la permission de Paiuks. J'accepte le rôle que je dois jouer dans l'éducation de mes enfants en lisant, en jouant et en modelant un bon comportement. Mais j'accepte aussi mon rôle dans l'établissement des limites pour nos enfants, notre famille et moi-même. J'ai récemment reçu un courriel de mon enseignant de maternelle concernant un nouveau projet bimestriel qui a été présenté comme une occasion supplémentaire pour votre enfant d'avoir des devoirs et les responsabilités qui viennent avec elle. Cela ressemble à un grand projet, mais je veux pleurer. Je suis déjà assez accablé comme il est, et il est lui aussi. Certaines nuits, je pense que son cerveau est au maximum de sa capacité (je sais que le mien est), et il s'assoupit à 6 heures du soir. D'autres nuits, il arrive à la maison fatigué et irritable, et je vais forcément l'envoyer dans sa chambre pour un temps mort. Ça me brise le cœur quand je marche 10 minutes plus tard et je le vois disparaître avec tous ses vêtements, sachant qu'il est allé au lit bouleversé (et sans se brosser les dents). Et pourtant d'autres soirées, il est une boule de foudre qui déchaîne sauvagement les émotions et la physicalité contenues à l'école. Jeter dans ses sœurs jumelles facilement excitables de 2 ans, et vous ne pouvez même pas imaginer le chaos du soir dans notre maison. Quand notre fils arrive à la maison, mon mari et moi continuons à soigner nos blessures de notre journée de travail occupé tandis que nos filles jumelles ont juste réveillé de leur sieste et sont eux-mêmes misérablement grincheux ou débordant d'énergie. Quoi qu'il en soit, ces deux bambins ont un besoin inépuisable d'attention et de stimulation, et chaque fois que je ne suis pas les nourrir une collation, puis je me trouve nettoyer un. Quelque fragile équilibre que nous ayons atteint est brisé quand notre fils vient de l'école comme une boule. Les résultats sont vivants pour dire le moins, et souvent assez belle. Quand je vois tout le monde jouer bien et prendre soin de l'autre je me sens comme je dois faire quelque chose de bien. Je chéris ces rares moments de tranquillité. Mais le plus souvent nous faisons face à des combats, à des crises de colère, à des pleurnicheries, à des désordres, à des propos insignifiants, à l'insolence, à la jalousie et à l'ingratitude. Nous sommes mis au défi d'amener tout le monde à s'asseoir à la table en même temps pour manger la même chose, pour mettre sur PJs sans drame, aller au lit à temps, et tout ce qui nécessite la collaboration unanime de trois libre-esprit et têtu Enfants. Donc, essentiellement tout. Nous luttons pour répondre aux besoins fondamentaux de nos enfants et beaucoup moins pour participer à des activités enrichissantes. Comme les choses se tiennent maintenant je ne reçois pas assez de qualité un-à-un temps avec mon fils, en partie parce qu'il dort plus que ses sœurs. Même si j'essaie de le caresser quand il s'endort, j'entends souvent les filles gémir de câlins dans l'autre pièce. Ça me déchire, mais je ne peux que faire beaucoup avec cette action de jonglerie impossible. Je ne peux pas imaginer de prioriser les devoirs avec mon fils de 5 ans quand je pense que c'est plus important que nous passions du temps ensemble en famille, nourrir nos enfants ou laisser les enfants jouer ensemble. Je ne suis pas un expert en éducation de la petite enfance, mais il me semble que les compétences sociales et l'intelligence émotionnelle sont les choses les plus critiques à enseigner. Je vois que mes enfants absorbent les leçons précieuses de l'interaction qu'ils n'apprendraient jamais de moi seul: le partage, la résolution des conflits, le leadership (notre fils enseigne son yoga sœurs), le travail d'équipe, la louange des autres et plus encore. En tant que parent de plusieurs enfants, le lien entre frères et sœurs est l'une de mes plus grandes priorités. À tout le moins, plus élevé que les devoirs de la maternelle. Permet de faire face, à l'âge de mon fils, les devoirs n'est pas vraiment pour les enfants, il est pour les parents. Été là, fait cela, obtenu le diplôme. Je préfère que mes enfants apportent leurs devoirs chez eux quand ils sont assez mûrs pour (la plupart du temps) le faire eux-mêmes. Je suis plus qu'heureux d'aider mes enfants avec leurs devoirs, aide étant le mot opératif. S'il faut faire des devoirs à l'école élémentaire, il faut aider les enfants à se discipliner, non pas à apprendre de nouveaux concepts ou à exiger autrement la supervision ou l'intervention des parents. Après une journée complète d'école pour les enfants et le travail pour les parents, les devoirs semblent être une source inutile et évitable de friction. J'ai poliment refusé le projet de devoirs, et heureusement mon fils kindergarten maître gracieusement accepté que. J'accepte le rôle que je dois jouer dans l'éducation de mes enfants en lisant, en jouant et en modelant un bon comportement. Mais j'accepte aussi mon rôle dans l'établissement des limites pour nos enfants, notre famille et moi-même. I cant imagine I am the only parent who feels burdened by a young childs homework. I truly wonder how other parents with more complicated situations (e. g. single parents, families with many kids, special needs children) manage. So I say: Let the teachers teach at school and the parents parent at home. The home is for family time or down time or play time or even meltdown time. But it should not be homework time. Not yet. Homework Hell Learn Effective Techniques You Can Use to End the Nightly Battle Over Homework Homework Hell Part I: How to Turn It Around Has homework time become the seventh circle of hell in your house, with you nagging your kids to do their assignments and fighting with them over each math problem If you and your child are battling nightly over schoolwork, read on to hear the real solutions James Lehman offers to this frustrating problem, in Part I of Homework Hell. Avoid getting sucked into power struggles with your child at all costs. Let me be very clear here: fighting over homework is a losing proposition for both of you. Parents get stuck in homework battles with their kids all the time. Either their children get distracted halfway through and want to give up, or they resist doing the work in the first place. As many parents know all too well, this resistance can often take the form of acting out behavior: kids will yell, start fights with you, or even throw a tantrum to avoid doing their work. Sometimes they start their homework and then throw their hands up in the air and say, This is too hard, or Im bored, or Why do I have to do this stupid stuff anyway As hard as it can be to not take that bait, my advice to you is to avoid getting sucked into power struggles with your child at all costs. Let me be very clear here: fighting over homework is a losing proposition for both of you. You will end up frustrated, angry and exhausted, while your child will have found yet another way to push your buttons. And wind up hating school and hating learningexactly what you dont want to have happen. So why is homework time often so difficult In my opinion, one of the major reasons is because it can be hard for kids to focus at home. Look at it this way: when your child is in school, hes in a classroom where there arent a lot of distractions. The learning is structured and organized, and all the students are focusing on the same thing. But when your child comes home, his brain clicks over to free time mode. In his mind, home is a place to relax, have a snack, listen to music, and maybe watch TV and play video games. So for better or worse, kids often simply dont view home as the place to do schoolwork. The good news is that there are effective techniques you can use to end the nightly battle over homework. This week, Ill be telling you about some powerful things you can do at home to change your childs mindset about doing schoolwork. And next week, Ill give you specific tips that will help your child get the work doneand help you leave homework hell behind. Start Early I always tell parents that the earlier they can begin to indoctrinate their children with the idea that schoolwork is a part of home lifejust as chores arethe more their kids will internalize the concept of homework as being a regular part of life. If your child is older and you havent done this, that does not mean there isnt hope for him. It simply means you will initially have to work a lot harder to get him on track with his schoolwork. Make Night time Structured Time When your kids come home, there should be a structure and a schedule set up each night. I recommend that you write this up and post it on the refrigerator or in some central location in the house. Kids need to know that there is a time to eat, a time to do homework and also that there is free time. And remember, free time starts after homework is done. By the way, when its homework time, it should be quiet time in your whole house. Siblings shouldnt be in the next room watching TV or playing video games. If your child doesnt have homework some nights, it still should be a time when there is no Facebook, TV or video games. They can read a book or a magazine in their room, but there should be no electronics. In our house, homework time was usually after dinner, from seven to eight oclock. The whole idea is to take away distractions. The message to your child is, You8217re not going to do anything anyway, so you might as well do your homework. Don8217t Fight with Your Child Make it very clear that if they don8217t do their homework, then the next part of their night does not begin. And don8217t get sucked into arguments with them. Just keep it simple: Right now is homework time. The sooner you get it done, the sooner you can have free time. Say this in a supportive way with a smile on your face. Again, it8217s really important not to get sucked into your child8217s fight. And when you establish a nightly structure, it will be easier to avoid power struggles over homework. Know Your Childs Homework List I think it8217s very important to know what your child8217s homework isparents need to make sure it doesn8217t get lost in the shuffle. Having good communication with your childs teachers is key, because your child will have homework every night as he or she gets older. If your child is not handing in their work on time, you can set it up so the teacher will send you any assignments that your child didn8217t get done each week. You might have to work to get your childs teachers to do this, but you8217re going to get important information from them about your childs progress. And the bottom line is that you want to hold your child accountable for doing their work. That way, when the report card comes home, youand your childwont be surprised by the grades they receive. Establish a Token Economy in Your Home Don8217t forget, we want to pay kids in a currency that they desire. Extra carrots are not going to get much out of your child, but an extra fifteen minutes before bedtime or extending their curfew by half-an-hour on Friday night will. (call out This kind of system is called a token economy. The tokens become the currency, and in this case, the extra time playing video games, watching TV, and using the computer is the money. You want to withhold it or give it out according to how your child is earning it. Map out a List of Rewards and Consequences Parents should have a list of rewards and consequences mapped out for all their kids. It should be a pretty big list, and might include things like going to the park, going to the movies, and going bowling. Have a section that lists the video games your child likes to play and the TV shows he likes to watch, because this is what he will be rewarded with. I have parents sit down with their kids and say, All right, when you do well and I want to reward you, what kinds of things would you like to do Be sure to include activities that dont cost money, too, like going to the beach, taking a ride in the car, or playing board games. Then, if your child is able to finish his homework on time for a whole week, at the end of the week he gets rewarded from the list youve compiled. Keep in mind that our job as parents is to help guide and coach our children with their schoolwork, but its also our job to let them experience the natural consequences when they dont get it done. That might mean that they get a poor grade, which is the result of not following through on their responsibilities. Its so important to let your child experience the disappointment that comes with that, because that will help motivate them to try harder next time. And as a parent, when the report card comes along, if your child is not at some baseline that youve determined, (it might be that they should get nothing lower than a B, for example) then they should lose some of their privileges at home. That might mean they can8217t study alone in their room until they bring their grades up, and you might have to watch them more closely when they do their work. Remember, a major part of ending power struggles over homework lies in establishing structure, giving consequences and rewards, and getting your child to see that schoolwork is a regular part of home life. Once they accept that, youve already won half the battle. In Part 2 of this series. James gives you specific techniques to get your child off the starting block when it comes to homework, tips on how to motivate teenagers to do their work, and how to handle conflicts with after school activities and schoolwork. About James Lehman, MSW James Lehman, who dedicated his life to behaviorally troubled youth, created The Total Transformation Program . The Complete Guide to Consequences . Getting Through To Your Child . and Two Parents One Plan . from a place of professional and personal experience. Having had severe behavioral problems himself as a child, he was inspired to focus on behavioral management professionally. Together with his wife, Janet Lehman, he developed an approach to managing children and teens that challenges them to solve their own problems without hiding behind disrespectful, obnoxious or abusive behavior. Empowering Parents now brings this insightful and impactful program directly to homes around the globe. Por favor, desactive AdBlock o ponga a EarnForex en su lista blanca. 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Haben Sie schon einmal jemanden sagen hren: 8222Diese Wirtschaft die Sache nicht hilft 82308220 oder 8222Wenn ich nur mehr Geld htte 82308220 oder sogar 8222wrde meine Beziehung, wenn besser sein 82308220 Wenn Sie oder sonst jemand Sie kennen jeden sagte etwas hnliches zu dieser Stze hat, haben Sie vielleicht etwas bemerkt, dass zwischen allen drei konstant ist. Weit du was das ist Keine Sorge, ich werde es Ihnen sagen. Die Konstante zwischen allen drei dieser Aussagen ist: Blaming etwas oder jemand anderes, wie unser Leben herausstellen. Sie sehen, im Allgemeinen die Menschen faul sind. Sie wrden lieber den ganzen Tag sitzen lang am Strand, werden die besten Weine serviert, mit 2.000.000 in der Bank. Nun ist faul nicht unbedingt eine schlechte Sache. Es sei denn, bist du als eine Mglichkeit, faul, etwas zu vermeiden, sollten wissen, was Sie tun. So also ist nichts falsch mit diesem Strand-Bild. Die meisten, die einen solchen Erfolg erreicht haben, wissen, dass auf diese Weise fr das Leben zu langfristigen Renditen dieser Luxus gleichen stagnierenden Lebensstil als wenn sie ohne. Daher ist Vernderung und Vielfalt gut. Gut fr die Seele, Krper und Geist. Aber was ergibt eine erfolgreiche Person ber einen erfolglosen Person Der Schlssel liegt darin, wie ein erfolgreicher Mensch bernimmt die Verantwortung fr die nicht nur ihr Leben, sondern ihr Handeln. Dies bedeutet, knnen Sie faul zu sein, aber nur in verantwortungsvoller Weise. Es gibt eine ole Zitat ber die Verantwortung, die wie folgt lautet: 8222Man kann nicht von der Kindheit bis erwachsen gegangen sind, bis Sie 100 Verantwortung fr Ihr Leben genommen haben.8220 Nehmen Sie 100 Verantwortung fr Ihr Leben heute Machen Sie es sich so jeder kann sagen: 8222Er Sie ist sehr gut organisiert und wei genau, was sie wollen. Sie scheinen ihre Fhigkeiten, um zu haben. 8220 Sie haben die ntigen Mittel in jedem Moment prsent zu sein, so dass Ihr Leben so, wie Sie es haben wollen. What made you want to pursue a career in physical therapy and what are your your goals After going through two years of physical therapy after my ACL surgeries, it opened my eyes to what all the profession entailed. I liked how it incorporated teaching, helping others and science. As of right now, my main goal would be to specialize in sports rehab. I8217d also love to work in a clinic that helps professional athletes. What do you look forward to most I look forward to helping my patients. I8217m ready to start making a difference in peoples8217 lives and helping them in any way that I can. It8217s always just been something that I8217ve done. Plus, my friends call me the mom of the group. I always just assume the role of the helper. I know it will be such a rewarding job, and I can8217t wait to get to that part of my life. How has Maryville University prepared you for your future Maryville has prepared me in numerous ways. I work as a Pack Leader and that8217s taught me how to be a good ambassador, have great communication skills and how to teach people about our university in a fun and exciting way. Also, in each of our classes we are taught professionalism and how to best represent ourselves in all that we do. When we finally get to go out on clinicals, that will be the best way that Maryville helps prepare us for what8217s to come. They teach us all of the basic information we need to know at school, but having so many different types of clinical experience will be what really makes us the most prepared for our future. Its that time of year again when people are trying to figure out what gift to get their significant other. This might be one of the largest challenges some people face the entire year. It is important that the gift will be remembered and mean something special to him or her. Listed below are several tips to the perfect present. Create a list of everything they like. For a few minutes create a list of things your significant other likes and enjoys. Write down everything that can be thought of, big or small. This can Include favorite color, food, state, sport, restaurant, etc. Creating a list will help fire up your brain and potentially produce you with some really great gift ideas. Ask their family and friends. Who better to ask than the people that your significant other grew up with It is almost guaranteed that their friends and family will have inside knowledge about what your significant other would love to receive. Maybe they wanted a certain toy growing up but never got it or they have a secret obsession that they would never dare tell anyone about. Make some handmade crafts. Nothing is more personal and unique than a gift that was made by hand. A handmade craft shows how much time, effort and thought was put into the gift. Handmade gifts can be personalized for your significant other and shows how important they are. It is also a great way to test and show off your artistic talent. Examples of handmade gifts: picture book, quilt, gift basket, necklace, etc. Personally, I enjoy receiving gifts that are homemade and sentimental. It shows a lot about how much the person cares about you and is a creative way to show affection, William Stimic, junior, said. Monogram or customize it. Imagine receiving a blanket with a blown up picture of you and your significant other, or imagine receiving a coffee mug with your favorite quote from The Office. There are several websites out there that create customized gifts for a cheap price. All you have to do is upload a picture or write a quote, choose what you want it on, such as a pillow, blanket, coffee mug, shower curtain or shirt and they will make it and ship it to you. Again, this is a very personal gift that you have a lot of control over what it looks like. 8220One of my favorite gifts that I received was a personalized photo album of me and my boyfriend. I could tell he put a lot of thought and effort into it. This Christmas, I made a very special love book for my boyfriend. It is a cartoon picture book about how we met and all of the wonderful things we do together,8221 said a girl that wants to stay anonymous so she does not ruin the surprise. If you dont have the time or the artistic ability to make something, you can always fall back on buying a valuable, wearable object. If the significant other is a female, you can never go wrong with buying jewelry. If you know their favorite color, you can buy a necklace or earrings that has that color incorporated in it. If the significant other is a male, a great gift could be a watch, necklace, hat, sunglasses, etc. The holiday season is a great time for giving gifts, but they are not the only way to show love and affection. Often times the best gift is spending time with your significant other. Go for a walk, look at Christmas lights, make a dessert or go shopping for a Christmas gift you both could use. Gift or no gift, it is important that whatever the significant other receives is memorable. George Ivanov Georgi Ivanov is known as George around campus, but to his fans he is known as BUL Nightmare. He was born in Bulgaria, but moved to the states as a child. Ivanov was predestined to wrestle as his father was a part of the Bulgarian National Wrestling Team first, and from the young age of 5, George started his wrestling career. For the Love of Wrestling Ivanov explained that to do well in wrestling, you have to completely alter your lifestyle. The more you commit, the more you get out of it. Countless hours of training, eating right and staying in a positive mindset traits that make winners. Unlike other sports, wrestling is completely individual, Ivanov trains for him and himself only. I love that you don8217t rely on anyone once you step on the mat. It8217s you against your opponent and whoever is more prepared that day, wins. Although he8217s never truly considered himself a great wrestler, two large companies, Nike and BodyBuilding, believed in him enough to sponsor him. It takes a very talented and skilled athlete to get great sponsorships like these, 8220It8217s humbling that two of the most well-known athletic companies in the world sponsor me. I still can8217t believe it.8221 In Rio, Nike had a house where all of the athletes they sponsored were invited to visit. In the house, there was a wall that all of the athletes sign. I cannot describe how it felt to be included with so many amazing athletes. As assistant wrestling coach here at Maryville, Ivanov has already given back to many younger wrestlers. Although he is not sure where wrestling will take him in the distant future, he now is focusing all of his attention on the wrestlers here to prepare them for their competition season. I would like to thank Dr. Lombardi, Marcus Manning, Jeff Miller, Coach Denney and everyone who supported me on my way to my Olympic journey. Je vous remercie. Giordan Harris Giordan Harris has fought hard to earn all his accomplishments thus far. Raised on Ebeye, one of the Marshall Islands, 8220Swimming in the ocean is something that everyone did, but competitive swimming isn8217t something that happens,8221 said Harris. Around the age of 6, Harris started his schooling at the military base on a neighboring island. There he met one his best friends, who convinced him to join the swim team. It was not until he was 12 and was traveling to his first international meet that his family started to realize just how accomplished Harris would become. I remember being terrible when I started, but I eventually fell in love with swimming and just rode the wave to where I am now. A Natural Love for the Water Harris says that he was attracted to swimming, because it is a hardworking sport. Even after making both the national swim and basketball teams, he still thinks swimming is the harder, because of 8220the practice to performance ratio, as he says. In a single practice, Harris will swims between 9,000 and 12,000 meters, but when it comes to competition time, his race is only 50 meters or under 25 seconds. Growing up, I was only supposed to play basketball. When I decided to swim, everyone thought I was crazy. 2 Olympics, 2 Cities Harris says his mother, Mary, has been with him every step of the way. Having sacrificed so much, it was special to be able to share his first Olympic experience with her during the 2012 Olympics held in London. He says swimming in the games was a dream come true and wants to keep chasing it, so look out for him at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Before we walked out in the opening ceremony during the 2012 Olympics in that moment hearing the crowd screaming, all the emotions hit me. I was happy. I was proud. I was excited. I was scared. I was nervous. Every emotion hit me. His mother started the first Marshallese swim team, The Martial Island Swim Federation, and built it from the ground up. Giordan aspires to further establish the team and help young swimmers achieve their goals. In addition to helping with the swim team, Harris also wants to travel around the Pacific teaching children how to swim. According to Harris, drowning is extremely prevalent among the islands. He believes that the right exposure to water will lead to less drownings, and he wants to aid in that mission first hand. Everyone assumes that because you are from an island and around the ocean all the time, you can swim. That8217s the way people always view it, but because we are surrounded by water, there is more opportunity to drown. Music to know: Finals The stress of finals can be a lot for students, and many find peace in music. Some prefer calming sounds with no lyrics, others relax to the sound of dubstep. Whatever your preference, here is a playlist of songs we think you should know for finals week. If I Was A Fool by Josh Turner and Carson McKee Okay, hear me out on this one. This song is easily the most impressive combination of guitar, mandolin and voice I have ever heard. The best part Its recorded live in a basement by two guys who sound amazing together. Give it a listen and find yourself in love with the storytelling lyrics and relaxed vibe. Bonus: motivation to get your work done and learn how to play an instrument like them. Hallelujah by Lindsay Sterling This song has no lyrics, making it a perfect studying song to keep you focused on your work, but keeping you awake and motivated with its intensity. Its also a Christmas song, which is motivating in itself to keep your eyes on the prize: Christmas break. Welcome Home by Radical Face This indie song has a fast tempo which helps to keep you focused and working. The quiet lyrics are a perfect background noise to your term-paper writing and flashcard-making night. It is calming and mellow to help destress, too. The Sound of Silence by Disturbed Disturbed is not known for their slow songs, but rather their heavy metal sound. In this song, the balance between the gentle piano and the singers dark voice make for a beautiful balance and create an intense, motivational study song. First by Cold War Kids While being a little more mainstream, this song keeps a steady beat and uses peppy drums to establish a calm and focused atmosphere. It makes for great background noise to your next study session. Bonus: you dont know the lyrics so you wont be tempted to sing. Something Like Olivia by John Mayer As one of my personal favorite songs, John Mayer gives a mellow and fun vibe while singing about his dream girl, Olivia. A fun guitar tune combined with simple drums are a great way to get your study on. Old Pine by Ben Howard (Peking Duk Remix) This song has more of an electronic vibe, either to wake you up at 3 A. M. or stay focused so you wont be up that late at 3 P. M. The original song is good alone, but I like the remix and its tendency to get me motivated to get done. It has gentle lyrics and does a nice job of fading out other noises to keep you focused on your work. American Money by Borns This is a more alternative song, with confusing lyrics and a trippy music video. I like its alternative feel and the way it keeps a loud, steady beat combined with loud vocals and gentle guitar. Easy to study to and stay on task, give it a try. 8220I like this song, because it is so upbeat. It keeps me motivated and awake when I am so bored of studying,8221 Kaelyn Creely, junior, said. Good luck with studying, and don8217t forget about practicing safe habits during this stressful week. Breakfast is important, sleep is important, and remember to relax. You can do it, finish strong Everyone has had a scenario where them and their group of friends keep disagreeing on where they should eat or which restaurant is the best. Now there is no need for those useless arguments. In order to find the most popular restaurant, Maryville Universitys students were surveyed about their favorite pizza, sandwich, burger, breakfast, and barbeque restaurant. Favorite Delivery: Jimmy Johns When it8217s late at night and food is all the mind is thinking about, there is nothing better than getting a meal delivered right to your doorstep. Based on the survey, the most popular restaurant that delivers is Jimmy John8217s, a sandwich shop. Runner up: Papa John8217s Pizza Honorable mentions: Dewey8217s Pizza, Global Quesadilla and Dominos Favorite Burger Joint The most popular burger restaurant around St Louis, as chosen by Maryville students, was Circle 7 Ranch. Circle 7 Ranch is a sports bar and grill located off Clayton Road in the New Ballwin Grove Shopping Plaza. Circle 7 Ranch offers a variety of burgers including the option to build your own. For students who are 21 and over, Circle 7 Ranch offers personal Table Taps where guests can pour their own ice-cold draft beers. There8217s nothing better than that. Every time I go to Circle 7, I stuff myself full of food. Nothing is better than the burgers with guacamole on them. It is a great place to hang out with friends and get a few drinks while chowing down on a burger,8221 Erik Schafer, sophomore, said. Runner up . Five Guys Honorable mentions . Red Robin, Top Shots, Square One and Stacked STL Favorite Breakfast Restaurant: Uncle Bill8217s Imagine waking up Sunday morning after a late night out and you can not get the thought of fluffy pancakes or an omelette out of your head. So what restaurant can fulfill this desire There is no better place than Uncle Bills to get a stack of pancakes with a side of hashbrowns. Uncle Bill8217s, located on Manchester Road, is open 24 hours and has all you can eat pancakes after 11 p. m. I love going to Uncle Bill8217s when it8217s all you can eat pancakes. I usually go for a late night snack. It8217s a great place to be social and eat delicious food, Trevor Jost, senior and pancake enthusiast, said. Runner up . First Watch Honorable Mentions . The shack, IHOP, Original Pancake House, Waffle House and First Watch Favorite Barbecue: Sugarfire Smokehouse Everyone enjoys hot, fresh barbecued food, and the best barbecue, as voted by Maryville students, is Sugarfire Smokehouse. Sugarfire offers sausage, brisket, ribs, turkey, smoked salmon and anything else imaginable. Even better, everything is made fresh on that day, they open at 11 a. m and close when they run out of food to serve, so get there early. The closest Sugarfire is 15 minutes away in Valley Park off of Meramec Station Road. Runner Up . Shaved Duck Honorable Mentions . Dalie8217s Smokehouse, Bandanas, PM BBQ and Pappy8217s Smokehouse Favorite Pizza restaurant: Imo8217s Honorable Mentions: Dewey8217s Pizza, Stefanina8217s, Papa John8217s and Cecil Whittaker8217s Favorite Sandwich Restaurant: Jimmy John8217s Runner up: Jersey Mike8217s Honorable Mentions: Subway, Potbelly8217s, Which Which and P8217sghetti8217s Maryville Arts and Science professor Candace Chambers has been recently presented with an award for incorporating technology into teaching in different ways. Chambers received this honor at the Focus on Technology and Teaching conference in St. Louis. She is a physics professor at Maryville and uses the Maryville iPads in all of her lectures, labs and homework assignments to create an interactive classroom experience. Candace compared using iPads in the classroom to her learning to use a calculator while learning physics in college. The assignments using the iPads have been popular among students Chambers explained and students really put a lot of time and effort into creating really nice content. 8220Using technology does not make learning better, but students can learn material faster and easier,8221 Chambers said. Chambers uses numerous different apps and software to always feel available to her students. She creates video lectures reviewing questions from the homework assignments and book work to send to her students. She calls them office hours on demand. This method allows for students to always engage in discussions and class lecture notes even under circumstances where they must miss class for a day. Candace shown with her in office using the green screen. Photo courtesy Michele Cotton. One of the newer apps that she uses is called Green Screen. This app is allows you to use a green screen to add a custom background to videos recorded on an iPad. To use this app, she installed a green screen in her office and can use it to put problems in the background of the videos made available to students. Her notes, presentations and teaching style make physics look engaging and exciting. Chambers puts a lot of thought and effort behind what is posted and presented to students. We have made it to the end, finals are here and the semester is over. That calls for many additional items on your to-do list, including get that D up to an A and find my textbooks I havent been using. With all the additional stress from exams, the bookstore and the Maryville One Fee have made book returns easy this year Now, onto finding those suckers. To help, I have compiled a list of places to look: Somewhere in Your Car (Trunk, Back Seat, Dashboard8230) Thanks to the Maryville OneFee, students8217 books are ordered and waiting. Make sure to check the back seat of your car where you put them after you picked them up that August day. Many students like having their books all ready to go at pick-up, but some have different opinions. I dont usually use all my books, so I dont like how I paid for all of them when I dont even use them,8221 Taylor Luebbers, sophomore, said. At least on the trip to the bookstore, you can try to get another one of those reusable bags. Books are full of information: pages and pages of facts about rocks, medicine and marketing strategies. While this impressive amount of knowledge could be read, it also can be Googled. Many times, books find themselves covered in dust under your bed, next to a pair of old socks and that shoe youve been looking for, so make sure to check under there first. Yes, you have a desk. And yes, there was a time when you thought you might use it. Try checking in the bottom drawer next to the package of loose leaf you havent needed. In the Northface Backpack You Definitely Needed Look in the pocket of your backpack you never open, it could be the answer to the mystery of why your bag is so heavy and back always hurts. Mystery solved. At Your Bae8217s Apartment Let8217s reminisce on the nights where studying never included studying but rather four hours of Guitar Hero, a pizza and a walk home in the morning. Now find that book and see if there are chapter summaries we can brush up on. On the Coffee Table (Or Anywhere Near the Netflix Account) That 6-inch textbook on anatomy makes an even better footrest. These textbooks are overwhelmingly useful and the options are really endless. Check the coffee table, and maybe under the couch if youre still stumped. Good luck in the book hunt8230and with that 65 percent in humanities. Remember to find and return those books to the bookstore by December 18. The bookstore employees think it should go a lot smoother this year than in the past. No more dealing with money which will be nice. All you need is your ID and the books, in any condition. December 18, people Maryville Universitys tuition for a full-time undergraduate student is 25,558. After 4 years of college, you have paid a whopping 102,232. There8217s a lot that can be done with 100,000. Below is an infographic that shows what someone can do with the money that pays Maryvilles tuition. What would you do with a 100,000 I would travel. - Rachel Thomas Buy as many acres as possible in deer country and hunt. - Andrew Beckerman Put half in my bank and invest the other in stocks and bonds. - Landon Paul I8217d use some of the funds to go on a nice trip post-graduation and put the rest in savings. - Alexis Arnold Seeing as how my parents have paid for most of my tuition, they would get a large bulk of that money. However, with the amount I would receive, I would spend the money on a new car and then I would probably save the rest for a rainy day. - Katy Haas I would travel the world for a year to places like china, japan, india, the Congo, Australia, South America any place you can imagine for. - Erik Schfer I would buy a really nice car like a Porsche or a Corvette. - Andrew Russel I would purchase land and build a soccer field so I can play with my friends, teammates and host soccer tournaments. - Bill Stimic Published on November 29, 2016 in Sports by Aileen Wolk Square off and check out some of Maryville8217s club sports this semester. Compete for passion or simply join for leisure, anyone is welcome. It may be difficult to picture now with finals looming on the horizon, but once next semester begins time will clear up as well. Club Sports provide a great balance for students academically, athletically and socially. It allows you to put as much time into your sport as you would like and doesnt require much of your free time, Coordinator Jarrett Fleming said. The students are definitely playing for their love of the sport and having fun while doing it. Take a peek at the new club sports now on campus: Boxing Chess Club Mens Club Volleyball Womens Club Basketball The following clubs are coed: Bowling Gaga Ball Golf Paintball Physique Running Table Tennis Tennis Ultimate Frisbee These arent the only ones. For a complete list of them, click here. When asked his personal favorite, Fleming said, I really dont have a favorite, I have an affinity for all sports. I would most likely start a football club due to my passion for the sport. Theres nothing like scoring a touchdown, its a rush I cant explain the feeling. I would have to work on my touchdown dance though. Theyre more than merely a fun competition. Theyre a way to grow as a team and as an individual. Skills such as time management, cooperation and leadership all manifest around the club. Teammates will become closer together and treat each others as equals. Individuals will grow stronger. The experiences wont disappear after college but will often go with graduates into the next steps of their life. It may not be until the graduation or even another 20 years down the road when one might look back and smile on these moments. Maryvilles sports arent off the map either. There are plenty of heavy-hitters in the leagues. A few have made a name for themselves beyond campus. It was really neat seeing the eSports team win a national championship last year, I dont think they expected people all across the country to know about them. They really enjoyed competing on the national level, even though I was probably more nervous than them during the games, Fleming said. The winner is yet to be determined in the match between Dr. Henderson and Ben Thal. Photo courtesy of Aileen Wolk. Ever wonder what it would be like to be the king of the world Were hoping to get as many people as we possibly can, both Treasurer Ben Thal and President Hannah Frederick agreed. All skill levels are welcome. They are both really excited to have chess club as a competitive sport. It took a lot to get to this point, all the meetings with Jarett, but it was worth it, Thal said. A competitive team usually has about 10 people on it, with four to five competing at a time. The club would love to have more members in general though. As long as you love the game, whether youre an expert who can win a game in six moves or a beginner who doesnt know a rook from a bishop, there will always be a spot open. The group has been meeting every Wednesday from 6:30 p. m. to 8:30 p. m. in Reid 2318 this semester. Email Ben Thal at bthal1live. maryville. edu if youre interested in joining or have any questions. Interested in joining a club sport or starting a new one. Fill out a questionnaire by clicking the name of the sport under the Prospective Athletes tab. Feel free to join more than one. President Obama signed a presidential order in September 2015 which allowed for additional time to file for financial aid, going into effect Oct. 1, 2016. For the first time in history, students will use the same tax information for two years of financial aid. This means the 2015 tax information will be used for fall 2016 through summer 2018. In the long run, this is a good thing, Martha Harbaugh, director of financial aid, said. The intent is to give people more time to review the information and make an informed decision and to have accurate data. While change is sometimes scary, Harbaugh and federal financial aid believe that this will make life easier. The good news about this is that you are not going to have to worry about estimating numbers. You have already filed it and can use the data retrieval option in the FAFSA website to pull in the data and populate the appropriate field and do all the work for you, Harbaugh said. 8220You will have to change some information, such as family size, number in college, asset information could potentially have changed. But of the 102 that FAFSA asks, this will take all of the tricky ones out of the equation. Harbaugh suggests that any family that saw a decrease in their adjusted family income should come to Maryville8217s financial aid office and see how they can help. When asked what this means to the Maryville students, Harbaugh said, From a sense of timeline, some programs this will not affect at all. For example, if you are using the Federal Student Loan Program, it is not going to make that much difference. What you would have been eligible for next August is what you are going to be eligible for in October.8221 According to Harbaugh, financial aid will begin packaging financial aid for current students in January 2017 so they can have updated GPA and credit hours. Missouri residents that are currently enrolled at Maryville should file their FAFSA no later than Jan. 15, 2017. 8220What the state of Missouri is saying is that if you file by Jan. 15, then they guarantee you funding for next year,8221 Harbaugh said. Those who file later than Jan. 15 will be waitlisted. If you or a parent is concerned with this prior prior year change, please contact financial aid and schedule an appointment to review your financial aid plan. For more information please refer to Maryville Universitys page of FAQs regarding prior prior year.

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